
Monday, April 27, 2009

Speakers - Sansui SP-100

Every once in a while I'll post photos purely for identification purposes. I see a lot of Google traffic relating to people searching for "Speaker X pics," and I know there's been plenty of times I just needed a reliable photo library of components to help me identify a brand/model. Here's another smaller (only three drivers, not six) Sansui from the first generation of Sansui speakers (the SP-100 and SP-200), introduced in 1966. This was the year Sansui established Sansui Electronics Corporation in New York City*. Considering their 40+ years, these were in remarkable condition.

How did they sound? Sorry, only snapped a pic of these when I saw them in a thrift store, didn't plug them in.

Have any photos, stories about your Sansui SP-100? Please leave a comment or send me an email.


Want to hook up your iPod to your vintage stereo? Visit my Audio Accessory Store for some great values!


  1. just got a pair, sound good and handle wattage well, good bass for 10's, and crisp, clean sansui sound

  2. sansui sp-200 is a great speaker,,,it can handle power,and can deliver it.

  3. I bet theyd be great with my new to me Sansui 881.

  4. Just got a pair, amazing room filling sound, clear bell-like well defined highs. Sound great with my 1959 HK integrated amp. Sounded great with vinyl or CD.

  5. Just picked up a pair of SP-100s yesterday at an auction. I was a little hesitant to bid on them since it was an auction and there was no way to test them out in advance. I risked it anyway and, boy, am I glad I did. These babies are killer; great bass and good definition on the highs as well. Picked up the pair for $3.00.

    1. They were $3.00!!!!!! and you were hesitating?

  6. I have two pair of vintage sansui speakers they both sound amazing!

  7. I managed to acquire a mint pair. Judging by the condition I doubt if they were barely used? Only thing I will add is to connect with a good quality speaker cable, Amplfication, and Source and you will be amply rewarded because they ma!ke fabulous noises!

    I predominantly play Jazz and in my 17ft x 15ft lounge bass lines are sublime, and never heavy or bloaty like mant compromised BR speakers.
