
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Speakers - B&W DM100i

I've mentioned how much I like collecting great little bookshelf speakers. My goal is to one day have a home large enough to use them all in "mini" systems in several rooms throughout.

In the meantime, I'll keep snagging the ones I want and enjoy them in my garage system, rotating them out every month or so.

Picked up these B&W DM100i at a thrift store for a song! Work great, and sound quite nice. I haven't put them through their paces with acoustic or jazz yet, but they sound terrific with rock and pop.

I'll post a follow-up after I have more time for critical listening.

Any experiences with B&W bookshelf speakers? Chime in!


  1. I have a pair of the DM110i speakers from B&W and they are simply amazing. Great imaging and soundstage reproduction. I love them!

  2. I have 4 of them and I am using them on stands in combination with a proton Proton AMS-2583 as surround speakers. Only the base is missing which should be solved by a sub woofer.

  3. I have 3 sets of B&W100i and use them quite extensively. I have modified the crossovers a few times and improved & enhanced the sound coming from these beauties. There are a few problems with these speakers. 1. Fuses don't always seat correctly and could cause intermittant (crackling) sound. Fix: bypass them, one wire on crossover. 2. Electrolytic caps in the crossovers dry up and you lose all the highs. Fix: replace with Solen polypropylene or even better Clarity caps (same values 7,8 & 10uf) 3: Resister in crossover cracks and should be replaced. (use mundorf metal oxide resistor same value). After breakin (40 hours) these speakers sing with great depth and precision. You won't be disappointed. Also, I replaced the binding posts with gold plated posts to improve the connection (cheap fix). Amazing!

  4. After going through many 'budget'speakers over the years - Focals, Maggies, Kirksaeter, KRK included, AND spending many endless hours in recording studios with the usual cast of near-fields charachters, I keep coming back to the DM110i (the larger bro of this one). They are musical, engaging and just downright fun to listen for hours on end. I keep wanting to listen to music, not give my ears a rest - and they are forgiving on bad recordings. Love 'em

  5. I've had the B&W DM100i speakers since around 1989 or so; I bought the speakers brand new from Listen Up, Denver. Still today, excellent ambient speakers while I monitor output with my Event 20/20s.

  6. i have b&w dm 110 , and its broken , i want to sell it with the SA 200 Power amplifier
    (A&R Cambridge) whatsapp me . 082253484797

  7. Original DM100i capacitor value rated at 7uF and 8uF. However current market only have 6.8uF and 8.2uF respectively. Can it be use ?

  8. Picked up @ the local town waste management station before relegation to the electronics recycler. Cleaned up nicely, obvious why they were left there, one had a blown fuse. Replaced and producing excellent sound playing a RSD vinyl Metropolis soundtrack.
